Monday, 27 June 2011

Now You can operate a car just with one hand only !!!!!!!!!

Ya it's possible now to operate a car with one hand only.

A team of Spanish researchers has created a device that lets a driver steer, accelerate, change gears and brake with just one hand.

It has been developed by asociacion RUVID, a consortium of five Spanish research institutes and companies. The prototype of this device is completely electronic, having no mechanics involved helps those who may have reduced strength in the device-operating hand.
As well, motors in the device are used to simulate the haptic feedback and sensations of a traditional, mechanical steering wheel.
When researchers were designing this new system they wanted to eliminate the traditional concept of the mechanical technology and implement a new technology based on electronics, which offers more versatile solutions, and result comes in form of a very advance, useful and versatile  decice.

The prototype was recently presented during the 13th EAEC European Automotive Congress in Valencia, Spain.

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Sunday, 26 June 2011

Worlds Most Advance Robot, which has muscles, tendons as well as the ability to correct his mistakes.

Yes friends, This ROBOT is a Science fact not any fiction and one of the most advanced one in the world. So let's start with it's first look:
ECCI - First Look
Hope you have started imagining that how will it be look and work after completion?
Well we have to wait for that but till than we can discuss about it's features.

It's name is “Ecci”, short for Eccerobot (Ecce in Latin means Lo or Behold), Developed by a team of scientists at the University of Zurich.
Ecci, as it has been named, is the first ever robot to have 'muscles' and 'tendons', as well as the 'bones' they help move. All made of a specially developed plastic, and most advanced of all, it also has a brain with the ability to correct its own mistakes - a feature previously only seen in humans.

Ecci is being dubbed as the world’s most technologically advanced robot thanks to a complex system of bones, ligaments and tendons all constructed from plastic and powered by a series of small electric motors.

It has a computer built into the brain, allows him to learn from his mistakes. for example, a movement is causing him to stumble or drop something – the information is studied and analyzed to find the optimal solution for the mistake and avoid making the same mistake next time.

The creation also has the same vision capacity of humans too, despite only having one cyclops style eye.

The scientists now hope their creation will usher in a whole new generation for robots - and could aid development of artificial limbs.

Rolf Pfeifer, who is director of the laboratory for artificial intelligence at the University of Zurich said 'It opens up a lot of possibilities but in particular it will help us to understand better how the human moving apparatus works – a complicated task.
'If we can make a robot hand operate like ours then it opens up all sorts of possibilities for artificial limbs. It would also mean a robot that moved like a person could take over some of the jobs done by people where human hands are needed.'
Scientists have worked on the multi-million pound project for three years, with funding provided partially by private enterprise alongside two million euros from EU funds.
The team now plan to present a more complete version of Ecci in two months time.

So let's hope for the best and wait for it's complete version.

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